Wednesday, December 20, 2006

General Musings

So, it's been a while. A lot has happened since my last post, but due to non-hockey related duties, I haven't had time to post. Or rather, been to tired at the end of the day to type stuff up. Since then, I've missed a few games thanks to my work schedule and attended a few. My last game was the exciting to watch Sharks vs. Ducks in San Jose. Other than the slightly inebriated fan sitting two seats down, I had a great time, sitting almost center rink in those expensive seats that I usually look down upon. The crowd emotion was neat and while not quite playoff-intense, was enough to elevate the game above the usual intensity. Of course the fact the Sharks were playing the Ducks who had last slapped them down 5-0, I'm sure had something to do with the atmosphere too. Finally, the Ducks lost in regulation again. Oh well, two down, six to go, followed by (hopefully) a meeting or 7 in the playoffs. But first, we have to finish out this half of the season followed by the next. Let's see what happens. (Good hockey I hope).


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